Thank you for telling state legislators to fund local water projects!

A note from the GIla Conservation Coalition:

Thank you for helping to pass House Bill 200 that fast tracks funding to priority water projects in southwest New Mexico!

The bill passed 5 to 3 in the House Agriculture and Water Resources Committee late Saturday after more than an hour of testimony and debate.

Your emails to committee members and testimony to the committee demonstrated the strong support for equitable allocation of the NM Unit Fund to priority water projects, creating long-term water security and jobs in southwest New Mexico.

By taking action, you also showed your support for not spending any more money from the NM Unit Fund on a Gila River diversion, ending that harmful and unaffordable project once and for all.

Thank you also to bill sponsors Representative Matthew McQueen, Representative Nathan Small, Senator Mimi Stewart and Senator Siah Correa Hemphill for their leadership in stopping the waste of the NM Unit Fund and bringing good governance to the process of allocating the remaining $80 million in the Fund.
And thank you to bill experts Grant County Commissioner Harry Browne and UNM Law Professor Denise Fort for their effective testimony in support of the bill.

HB200 moves on to the House Judiciary Committee.

We'll keep you posted on the schedule and how you can support our efforts to get this bill through the Legislature.

Thank you to all!

Gila Conservation Coalition