Rio Grande Serenade: Hot off the press from the UNM-Taos Digital Media Arts program. A docuseries featuring the iconic characters of the upper Rio Grande.

Episode 1 - River Guides
We will be releasing the next 3 episodes over March, April and May.

Produced by the University of New Mexico-Taos Digital Media Arts

Special ThankS to Los rios River Runners, Far Flung Adventures, Rio Grande Balloons, Wild Earth Llama Adventures, Taos Ski Valley and Shot from above

Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates — The Middle Rio Grande Water Advocates' purpose is to advocate for a sustainable, resilient water future for the Middle Rio Grande by demanding equitable and effective water management and planning consistent with the best available science and applicable laws.

Enjoying the Rio Grande - City of Albuquerque

Rio Grande Valley State Park - City of Albuquerque

Rio Grande Restoration - Embudo

Rio Grande Restoration - New Mexico River Adventures (NMRA)

Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project


New Mexico Wilderness Alliance’s web page

BLM Rio Grande del Norte web site

Rio Grande del Norte National Monument - Wikipedia

Rio Grande del Norte National Monument - Taos County Chamber of Commerce