2 events october 19, 2024
volunteer cleanup
tetilla peak campround 0ctober 19, 2024
Saturday, October 19
Tetilla Peak Campground - Cochiti Reservoir Clean Up
Join American Rivers, the Conservation Lands Foundation, and the Caja del Rio coalition for a day of stewardship, music, and community!
Date and time
Saturday, October 19 · 10am - 4pm MDT
Tetilla Peak Recreation Area
NM-16 Peña Blanca, NM 87041
About this event
Event lasts 6 hours
Tetilla Peak Campground - Cochiti Reservoir Clean-Up
Join us for a day of giving back to the beautiful Tetilla Peak Recreation Area! We'll be cleaning up the Tetilla Peak Campground and along the shore of Cochiti Lake.
Attached is our final flyer for the October 19 clean up event. Please note we will have two locations that folks can go to: Tetilla Peak Recreation Area and Buckman Mesa Trail.
We are asking folks to RSVP through our Eventbrite page.
You can also help get the word out by sharing our Facebook event page
We’re welcoming kids with their parents or guardians to the event, but not unsupervised by an adult who is responsible for them – this is for liability and supervision purposes.
Cleanup is from 10 am to 4 pm. Please meet at Tetilla Peak Campground.
Please bring a lunch, snacks, and water. We will provide free food and music for all volunteers following the event around 5:30 pm.
Trash bags, dumpsters, and limited clean-up gear will be provided. Please bring a pair of work gloves.
Please wear outdoor clothing and long pants.
Bring your own boats, canoes, paddleboards, and safety equipment if you want to paddle the Rio Grande Mouth and help clean up the reservoir.
Option to camp on Friday, October 18th and Saturday, October 19th.
Minors must be accompanied by an adult.
This in-person volunteer event is a great way to get involved in the community and make a positive impact. Don't miss out on this opportunity to show some love to nature!
For questions, please email Rachel Ellis at rellis@americanrivers.org.
Organized by American Rivers
Cochiti West Swim Beach – Wilson Middle School Canoe Intro
october 19, 2024
The Adobe Whitewater Club, will be assisting a Wilson Middle School club/group of 6th graders, mostly first time boaters by teaching basic water safety and paddling skills along the shore before venturing into deeper water.
Volunteers Needed! Expecting 10-20 students in canoes and IKs so this is a great chance to share your knowledge and expand our paddling community, while being a good steward. Even if you are not comfortable teaching others we can escort small groups to oversee and assist as needed. All other boaters that have their own equipment are welcome to help as safety boaters.
We will meet near the west-side Swim Beach at 9:00am Saturday with kids expected at 9:45 to start our introduction to Canoes and basic water safety.
Take Exit 259 off I25. Go west on NM22 through Pena Blanca and go past the earthen dam. Turn right at Cochiti Lake road near the top of the hill and Turn South on the dirt road just after passing the entry kiosk and head towards the dam.
S.C.O.R.E club has a few 17' canoes and AWC has a few older kayaks and IKs, many PFDs, and a few paddles and priority will be given to Wilson students and supporters.
Also Cleanup of Cochiti lake:
A separate cleanup event hosted by American Rivers is also happening Saturday at Tetilla Peak on the East side of the lake, so boaters can also assist with cleanup efforts after the kids event, and may stay to paddle on Sunday. Even those that don’t have boats are needed to assist with cleanup on shore where the high-water mark holds the majority of the litter.
This is another great event to build relations in the broader paddling community and help cleanup Cochiti Lake.
Contact Scott for any questions 5054006124 call or txt.
Know the Law!
PFDs & Life Jackets - You are required (by New Mexico State Law to wear a properly fitted life jacket any time you are in a canoe, kayak, or raft; regardless of your age or waterway.
Share this invite and I hope to see you there.
For The Love of Rivers,
Scott Carpenter
AWC Pres.
See less
cochiti lake cleanup
september 21, 2024
9:00am to 3:00pm
The Adobe Whitewater Club, several local Scout troops (444, ???), and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) will be conducting a lake cleanup and monster sweep of all things not biodegradable (trash) on Saturday September 21, 2024. Even non-paddlers would be a great help walking around the swim beach, face of the dam, and all parking areas.
Be aware that the main boat ramp area at west side of Cochiti Lake recently tested positive for the Blue/Green algae (cyanobacteria) especially hazardous to pets, so we will avoid obvious blooms usually found in the lagoons and discourage swimming. All wet gear should be thoroughly washed later.
Volunteers Needed! Expecting 30-40 folks so this is a great chance to network and expand your paddling community, while being a good steward.
Free camping for cleanup volunteers from Friday 5:00pm until Sunday - Loop C Group site - Westside of lake. (Watch for functional map to be shared later.)
The group site is in juniper-pinion scrub land, there are numerous pavilions, spaces for tents, ample parking, and space for a few RVs (depending on size). In the loop itself, there are vault toilets and a water spigot. Showers and flush toilets are in short walking distance. There are no RV hookups, but water tanks can be filled at one of the dump stations.
The group campsite is FREE to anyone helping us collect garbage Saturday, and many stay to paddle for fun on Sunday.
Obviously, all Cochiti campground rules apply:
• no alcohol,
• no wood fires,
• pets on leash.
The US Army Corps of Engineers will be providing us a support boat to help collect all the garbage from around the lake.
While the Corps will be providing support, it must be remembered they are foremost involved with the water safety of all boaters on the lake.
We will meet at the main west-side boat ramp at 9:00am Saturday to start our cleanup of the lake.
Tetilla Peak ramp on the East side is closed.
Self-support event so bring your own gear to comfortably camp, eat, and safely boat.
Canoes, rafts, SUPS, IKs and boats with motors are welcome too. Since we'll have a boat provided by Cochiti Lake to put trash into, come on out regardless of the size of your paddle craft.
If you have a motorized boat that you are willing to bring, the additional motor support is welcome! It's a big "no-wake" lake!
AWC has a dozen older, larger kayas, many PFDs, and a few paddles and priority will be given to Rio Rangers, and Scouts, then family members.
Contact Scott for any questions 5054006124 call or txt.
All other boaters that have their own equipment are welcome to help on the flatwater and along the shoreline.
This is a great event to cleanup Cochiti Lake and build relations in the broader paddling community.
Even those that don’t have boats are needed to assist at the ramp and possibly along the swim beach.
Watch for posts on AWC social media and Share this invite and I hope to see you there.
Take Exit 259 off I25. Go west on NM22 through Pena Blanca and go past the earthen dam. Turn right at Cochiti Lake road near the top of the hill and follow it down to the boat ramp.
Know the Law!
PFDs & Life Jackets - You are required (by New Mexico State Law to wear a properly fitted life jacket any time you are in a canoe, kayak, or raft; regardless of your age or waterway. It is your responsibility to inform your guest. You are also required by New Mexico State Law to carry a whistle. Head lamp is required if you are on the water 30 minutes after sunset or 30 minutes before sunrise.
A Note About Safety:
With any outdoor adventure, "survival" is hardly enough. You should always be over-prepared for what you expect to encounter on the water. This means making correct and informed decisions on your clothing and gear, among other things, and an accurate assessment of your skills. Since situations always change, it is your personal responsibility to ensure that your paddling is safe, no matter what may have been suggested from the information provided here. You, and you alone, are responsible for your safety and preparedness. You are participating at your own risk.
For The Love of Rivers,
Scott Carpenter
AWC Pres.
AWC rio grande bosque cleanup
Saturday november 11 and Sunday november 12, 2023
Saturday Nov 11 (08:30am - 4:30pm for both reaches.)
550 Bridge to Siphon Beach:
River time: 3 hrs. Shuttle leaves Alameda Siphon Beach at 8:30 to go to 550 Bridge SE lot.
Trash collection at 550 area 9:00-10:00.
Launch at 10:30 to collect trash along the river and at Siphon Beach takeout.
Stack trash bags at Siphon Beach railing for later pickup.
Algodones to 550 Bridge: (or continue to Siphon)
River time: 2.5 hrs. Shuttle leaves 550 Bridge SE lot at 10:30.
Parking and access at 550 take-out are best along the ditch SE of the Bridge.
Alternate parking in NE lot, but with a longer walk under the bridge.
See the new boat ramp access improvements under the bridge.
After we finish cleaning up at 550 Bridge area (9:00-10:00), we will depart at 10:30 to shuttle up to Algodones so bring your own boats and gear.
We will quickly collect trash at Algodones and along the river as we paddle to 550 where some may takeout while others rush to Siphon Beach to takeout before dark.
Sunday Nov 12 (08:30am - 4:30pm for both reaches.)
Alameda to Central:
River time: 3 hrs. Shuttle leaves Central Bridge NW lot at 8:30.
River time: 3 hrs (Scout Alameda Diversion – run left under low bridge).
Trash collection at Alameda area 9:00-10:00.
Launch at 10:30 to collect trash along the river and at Central NW take out.
Rather long walk and take out landing may be difficult but paddle up the draining canal and walk the road to parking area.
Stack trash bags at Central near the gate for later pickup.
Central Ave NW, Albuquerque, NM 87105 to Alameda Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 - Google Maps
Siphon Beach to Alameda: (or continue to Central)
River time: 3 hrs. Shuttle departs Alameda NW lot at 10:00 for Siphon Beach.
After we finish cleaning up at Alameda area (9:00-10:00), we will depart at 10:00 to shuttle up to Siphon Beach so bring your own boats and gear.
We will launch by 11:00 and quickly collect trash along the river as we paddle to Alameda where some may takeout while others rush to Central to takeout before dark.
Stay local while we have the flow and spend your time paddling rather than driving.
Please share far and wide for a great event.
Also See announcements of Nov 14 AWC Monthly Zoom Presentation about the Escalante River.
Call me directly with any questions.
Much of the river trash is likely underwater or pushed downstream.
Even if we don’t gather all the trash, the GPS verification of river mile signs is my main intent.
Depending on shuttle needs and threat of darkness I may not be able to paddle all four sections myself.
For the Love of Rivers,
Scott Carpenter
cochiti lake cleanup
September 30, 2023
Free camping from Friday until Sunday - Loop C - Westside of lake.
Volunteers Needed! Expecting 40-50 folks so this is a great chance to network and expand your paddling community, while being a steward.
Contact Scott for any questions 5054006124 call or txt.
The Adobe Whitewater Club, Kayak New Mexico, Inc., several local Scout troops (444, 9, 459G, 285), and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) will be conducting a lake cleanup and monster sweep of all things not biodegradable (trash) on Saturday September 30, 2023. Even non-paddlers would be a great help walking around the swim beach, face of the dam, and all parking areas. Lake water level is very high this year.
We have been given the use of the group campsite for free camping Friday September 29 and Saturday September 30, 2023. The group site is in juniper-pinion scrub land, there are numerous pavilions, spaces for tents, ample parking, and space for a number of RVs (depending on size). In the loop itself, there are vault toilets and a water spigot. Showers and flush toilets are in short walking distance. There are no RV hookups, but water tanks can be filled at one of the dump stations.
The group campsite is FREE to anyone helping us collect garbage Saturday and many stay to paddle for fun on Sunday.
Obviously, all Cochiti campground rules apply:
• no alcohol,
• no wood fires,
• pets on leash.
The US Army Corps of Engineers will be providing us a support boat to help collect all the garbage from around the lake. While the Corps will be providing support, it must be remembered they are foremost involved with the water safety of all boaters on the lake.
We will meet at the main west side boat ramp at 9:00am Saturday to start our cleanup of the lake.
Tetilla Peak ramp on the East side is closed.
Bring your own gear to camp and safely boat (self-support).
Canoes, rafts, SUPS, IKs and boats with motors are welcome too. Since we'll have a boat provided by Cochiti Lake to put trash into, come on out regardless of the size of your paddle craft.
If you have a motorized boat that you are willing to bring, the additional motor support is welcome! It's a big "no-wake" lake!
Take Exit 259 off I25. Go west on NM22 through Pena Blanca and go past the earthen dam. Turn right at Cochiti Lake road and follow it down the boat ramp.
Know the Law!
PFDs & Life Jackets - You are required (by New Mexico State Law to wear a properly fitted life jacket any time you are in a canoe, kayak, or raft; regardless of your age or waterway. It is your responsibility to inform your guest. You are also required by New Mexico State Law to carry a whistle. Head lamp is required if you are on the water 30 minutes after sunset or 30 minutes before sunrise.
A Note About Safety:
With any outdoor adventure, "survival" is hardly enough. You should always be over-prepared for what you expect to encounter on the water. This means making correct and informed decisions on your clothing and gear, among other things, and an accurate assessment of your skills. Since situations always change, it is your personal responsibility to ensure that your paddling is safe, no matter what may have been suggested from the information provided here. You, and you alone, are responsible for your safety and preparedness. You are participating at your own risk.
Scott Carpenter
AWC Pres.
river cleanup
saturday july 8, 2023
9:00 am - 3:00pm
Join Adobe Whitewater Club and others for another cleanup event at 550 Bridge NE access 09:00am - 3:00pm. Saturday July 8, 2023.
Stay for a portion or make a day of it. Grains sacks will be provided to fill with trash, thanks to Boxing Bear Brewery. Bring your own gloves, water, and boats. Parking and access are best along the ditch NE of the Bridge, even if gate over the ditch may be open. Alternate parking in SE lot, but then longer walk under Bridge. Not as much trash as typically found but see the new boat ramp access improvements under the bridge.
Trash/litter conditions were minimal at the upstream Algodones RAP last weekend, but after we finish cleaning up at 550 Bridge area, we do plan to shuttle up to Algodones at 11:00 so bring your own boats and gear for a hot day. We will collect trash there and along the river as we paddle back to 550.
Others may want to set their own shuttles and paddle down to Siphon Beach at any time as well.
There is currently more flow in the Bosque section than at Chama Daily or the Race Course so stay local and spend your time paddling rather than driving.
Please share far and wide for a great event.
Also watch for announcements of July 11 AWC Monthly Presentation about the Lower Taos Box, (may be zoom only this month).
And plan to join our AWC weekend trip to the Arkansas River valley for camping and paddling July 28-30. Details to follow.
Call me directly with any questions.
Scott 5054006124
river cleanup
January 8, 2023 9am-noon
Join Adobe Whitewater Club and others for another cleanup event at 550 Bridge NE access 09:00am - noon.
Sunday January 8, 2023. Stay for a portion or make a day of it. Grains sacks will be provided to fill with trash, thanks to Boxing Bear Brewery. Bring your own gloves, water. Parking is best along the ditch NE of the Bridge, even if gate over ditch may be open. Alternate parking in SE lot, but then longer walk under Bridge. Majority of trash is directly under the bridge, as pictured above.
Saturday, September 24, 2022 - Cochiti Lake Cleanup
Sponsored by: AWC, Kayak New Mexico, ACA, and Corps of Engineers
Volunteers Needed!
Free camping from Friday until Sunday - Loop C - Westside of lake.
The Adobe Whitewater Club (AWC), Kayak New Mexico, Inc., the American Canoe Association (ACA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) will be conducting a lake cleanup and monster sweep of all things not biodegradable (trash) on Saturday September 24, 2022.
We have been given the use of the group campsite for free camping Friday September 23 and Saturday September 24, 2022. The group site is in juniper-pinion scrub land, there are numerous pavilions, tons of tent space, ample parking and also space for a number of RVs (depending on size). In the loop itself, there are vault toilets and a water spigot. Showers and flush toilets are in short walking distance. There are no RV hookups, but water tanks can be filled at one of the dump stations.
The group campsite is FREE to anyone helping us collect garbage.
Obviously, all Cochiti campground rules apply:
• no alcohol,
• no wood fires,
• pets on leash.
The US Army Corps of Engineers will be providing us a support boat to help collect all the garbage from around the lake and may provide tows if necessary. While the Corps will be providing support, it must be remembered they are foremost involved with the water safety of all boaters on the lake.
We will meet at the main west side boat ramp at 9:00am Saturday to start our clean up of the lake.
Canoes, rafts, SUPS, IKs and boats with motors are welcome too. Since we'll have a boat provided by Cochiti Lake to put trash into, come on out regardless of the size of your paddle craft.
If you have a motorized boat you are willing to bring, the additional motor support is welcome! It's a big lake!
Take Exit 259 off of I25. Go west on NM22 through Pena Blanca and go past the earthen dam. Turn right at Cochiti Lake road and follow it down the boat ramp.
SATURDAY April 30, 2022 9AM - 4PM
Buckman Road river access
Join AWC and many others in a cleanup of the Old Buckman Road,
focusing on the Rio Grande Access point.
Cleanup event: April 30th 9:00am-4:00pm, or until dumpster is filled. Meet at the dumpster near the river, or carpool from the La Tierra Trailhead Parking area if concerned about the 30 minute drive on wash-boarded dirt road. We will be collecting litter and illegal-dump debris along the roadways and transferring back to the dumpster, so trucks and even trailers will be most useful. Bags will be provided. We will also clean a limited area at the Rio Grande Access point, which will be our meeting/staging area.
Note: It’s recommended you bring gloves, water, and a lunch. Also any camping/paddling gear to be self-supported if your plan to stay.
Primitive camping is an option on the SFNF land at the river and although this area has been prone to nefarious activities of local partiers, I think a large group of Outdoorsman/River Lovers will be safe and enjoy the chance to socialize and get to know everyone Saturday night. Rumor is there is even a new vault toilet installed there, but bring your own to ensure LNT standards. SFNF is currently is Phase 2 Fire restrictions so no campfires allowed.
This cleanup event will not include any planned AWC paddling event, but volunteers can self-organized hiking/paddling activities after this cleanup, or on Sunday. More adventurous volunteers may even coordinate self-shuttle and join a few of us on Sunday to paddle through White Rock Canyon down to Cochiti Lake, but be aware of the long-day (or limited overnight options) and the parking conditions at Cochiti boat ramps, as well as weather and flow conditions.
AWC Coordinator: Scott Carpenter 5054006124 text/call.
sATURDAY mARCH 12, 2022 9AM - 1PM
Join AWC in a cleanup of the bosque at Pena Blanca
Joint effort with AWC, BHA, SF Ducks Unlimited, Kayak Meetup,
From ABQ: https://www.google.com/.../data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m2!4m1!3e0
From Santa Fe: https://www.google.com/.../data=!3m1!1e3!4m9!4m8!1m5!3m4...
Note: It’s recommended you bring gloves, multitool, if you have one, and shovel for rehabbing fire burn scars.
This event will not include any planned paddling event, due to logistics and Tribal Lands, but volunteers can self-organized paddling activities at nearby Cochiti Reservoir or Algodones - 550, after this cleanup event.
River Cleanup and Paddle
Sunday January 16, 2022
Algodones Cleanup 10:00am - 12:30pm
Algodones to 550 Bridge Paddle 1:00pm - 4pm
Join Adobe Whitewater Club, Kayak Meetup, NMDGF, and others for another cleanup event at Algodones, with options to continue on to the 550 Bridge access.
Stay for a portion or make a day of it. Sunday January 16, 2022. Grains sacks will be provided to fill with trash, thanks to Boxing Bear Brewery. Bring your own gloves, water, and please wear your mask when around others. Maps/directions will be added soon.
Quick plan: Cleanup starts at 10:00 at Algodones, with NM Game Wardens helping shuttle trash from the river to the parking lot. We should be done there by 12:30, loading trash onto my trailer.
Longer day details: At 9:15am I will stop at the NE side of the 550 bridge, along the ditch, and can pickup a few paddlers and carry lots of boats on my trailer for shuttle up to Algodones. Paddlers can also arrange their own shuttle and join us at Algodones for the cleanup, then launch as a group at 1:00pm. That should put us at the 550 takeout between 3:00 and 4:00 when we can cleanup that area, (as shuttle vehicles are retrieved) time permitting. Bring your own boats and gear for a chilly day, but flows should be adequate. Watch for updates.
Sunday pool session pre-registered folks would need to leave earlier to attend the Betsy Patterson/Sandia Pool (1st and 3rd Sundays afternoons).
Rio Grande - AWC Cleanup, Saturday Nov 13
Saturday 9:00am Poco Loco (Rio Bravo Bridge)
Meet in parking area NE of the bridge, which is labeled as the “Rio Bravo Riverside Park”.
The parking area and even adjacent trails all need picked up, and we can also venture along the shoreline and trail network, or even walk/pedal along the dirt bike path along the canal.
The flow in the Albuquerque Bosque Rio Grande is currently just above 500cfs, so if any are interested I can assist with shuttle up to Bridge Street (3 miles), or even to Central Ave bridge (5 miles) to enable your self-support paddle back down to the Rio Bravo Bridge takeout. The river is shallow and braided in this area so good shoes and patience may be tested.
White trash bags will be provided. Bring your own gloves, boats, water and snacks.
RSVP is nice, but not required and walk-up or late people can still participate. RSVP/Comment on the AWC Chat Facebook page or text/call Scott Carpenter directly at 505-400-6124. Let’s share some Love of the River.
Cleanup at Cochiti Lake
Saturday, September 11, 2021
9 am MDT - 2 pm MDT
Free camping from Friday until Sunday - Loop C - West Side of lake.
Volunteers Needed!
Contact Scott Carpenter for any questions 505-400-6124 call or text.
Kayak New Mexico, Inc., the American Canoe Association (ACA), the Adobe Whitewater Club (AWC) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) will be conducting a lake cleanup and monster sweep of all things not biodegradable (trash) on Saturday September 11, 2021. Even non-paddlers would be a great help walking around the swim beach, face of the dam, and all parking areas.
We have been given the use of the group campsite for free camping Friday September 10 and Saturday September 11, 2021. The group site is in juniper-pinion scrub land, there are numerous pavilions, tons of tent space, ample parking and also space for a number of RVs (depending on size). In the loop itself, there are vault toilets and a water spigot. Showers and flush toilets are in short walking distance. There are no RV hookups, but water tanks can be filled at one of the dump stations.
The group campsite is FREE to anyone helping us collect garbage.
Obviously, all Cochiti campground rules apply:
• no alcohol,
• no wood fires,
• pets on leash.
The US Army Corps of Engineers will be providing us a support boat to help collect all the garbage from around the lake. While the Corps will be providing support, it must be remembered they are foremost involved with the water safety of all boaters on the lake.
We will meet at the main west side boat ramp at 9:00am Saturday to start our clean up of the lake.
Canoes, rafts, SUPS, IKs and boats with motors are welcome. Since we'll have a boat provided by Cochiti Lake to put trash into, come on out regardless of the size of your paddle craft.
If you have a motorized boat you are willing to bring, the additional motor support is welcome! It's a big "no-wake" lake!
Take Exit 259 off of I25. Go west on NM22 through Pena Blanca and go past the earthen dam. Turn right at Cochiti Lake road and follow it down the boat ramp.
Know the Law!
PFDs & Life Jackets - You are required (by New Mexico State Law to wear a properly fitted life jacket any time you are in a canoe, kayak, or raft; regardless of your age or waterway. It is your responsibility to inform your guest. You are also required by New Mexico State Law to carry a whistle. Head lamp is required if you are on the water 30 minutes after sunset or 30 minutes before sunrise.
Drugs & Alcohol - No person shall operate any motorboat or vessel (including kayaks, canoes or rafts), nor use any water skis, surfboard or similar device, while under the influence of alcohol and/or any controlled substance. A person is considered under the influence with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08%.
No alcohol or controlled substance should be consumed before or during any kayak meetup event, this includes lunch, or you will be banned from the group.
The organizers of the Greater Albuquerque / Santa Fe Kayak Meetup site have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy and reserve the right to remove any member who does not abide by State laws.
A Note About Safety:
With any outdoor adventure, "survival" is hardly enough. You should always be over-prepared for what you expect to encounter on the water. This means making correct and informed decisions on your clothing and gear, among other things, and an accurate assessment of your skills. Since situations always change, it is your personal responsibility to ensure that your paddling is safe, no matter what may have been suggested from the information provided here. You, and you alone, are responsible for your safety and preparedness. You are participating at your own risk.
river cleanup
july 31 and August 1, 2021
pilar area
Rio Grande Cleanup event planned for July 31 and Aug 1.
RSVP here if possible so I can bring enough copies of the BLM event volunteer waiver to be signed upon arrival.
White trash bags will be provided. Bring your own gloves, boats, food, and camping gear. River flow is low and may be murky. be prepared for afternoon rains.
Saturday 10:00am meet at County Line Access point to cleanup entire area, then organize 11:30 shuttle to Quartzite for cleanup there and then 1:00pm paddle Class III Race Course back to County line or beyond.
Free camping for volunteers Saturday night at Taos Junction Bridge Group site on west side of TJB bridge.
The Group site consists of a concrete pad and several picnic tables, but no overhead so bring an EZ-up for shade.
There are vault toilets, water, and plenty of parking suitable for small trailers, and space for tents on a small bench below the parking area.
Other sites nearby TJB are nicer, but first-come-first-serve, so claim those early Friday for best selection and pay $7 per night.
Sunday 9:00am we can clean up the TJB access area then 10:30am long relaxing class II paddle down to Quartzite, with several access options along the way.
Use Google map for directions to Country Line, or TJB Group campground, just west of the bridge.
RSVP/Comment here or text/call for any questions.
Scott Carpenter 5054006124
Rio Grande River cleanup
Saturday May 15, 2021
The cleanup locations are Alameda Bridge to Poco-Loco.
Morning Cleanup 9:00-11:00 Alameda West access point
Afternoon Cleanup 1:00-3:00 Rio Bravo East Access Point (Poco-Loco)
Sign-in with AWC Organizers and get white grain sacks to fill with trash from access areas. Bring your own water, gloves and masks.
On-River Cleanup Launch at 9:30am from Alameda Boat Launch
Anyone interested in paddling will need to arrange their own boats and shuttle. Scott Carpenter may be able to assist. He will bring his truck and trailer to help move a few people and boats.
Paddlers who want Scott’s assistance must RSVP by texting him at 505-400-6124 by 5:00pm Friday, May 14 to be picked up at either the Rio Bravo (Poco Loco lot) 7:45-8:00, or at NE Central (Access lot near Botanical Garden) 8:20-8:35 and be taken to Alameda West for 9:30 put-in. See Shuttle route map below. Larger groups may need to drop boats and people at Alameda and just have drivers picked up in the morning for shuttle.
We can paddle down as a group, or be assigned a side/section of the river to clean, leaving trash bags at take-outs.
Shuttle route map: Poco Loco Dr SW, Albuquerque, NM 87105 to Alameda Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114 - Google Maps
We have more than enough grain sacks donated by Boxing Bear Brewery, and could distribute during morning shuttle, or ahead of time.
The high flows in the Rio G. tend to cover any trash, or carry it away, but we plan to stop at a few locations (under I-40 bridge especially) during our down-river paddle.
Directly below Alameda is a diversion dam that we will bypass either floating the "fish passage" on river left, which has a low bridge, or quickly portaging across the "island". Alameda to Rio Bravo may be a long stretch, but paddlers can set their own shuttles to stop at Mantano (SW lot, long carry), I-40 Bridge (NE lot, long carry), or Central (NE lot).
We look forward to seeing you all again on the river!
Scott Carpenter - Pres
"For The Love Of Rivers"
Rio Grande River Cleanup!
Saturday March 13, 2021
Thank you everyone who came out to help clean up our Rio Grande!!!
RSVP and Fill Out Waivers Here
2 Locations and Times
Pena Blanca 10am- 12pm Click for map
Click for Google maps from Abq
Click for Google maps from Santa Fe
Click for map of Pena Blanca clean up area
Click for Pena Blanca detailed map
Hwy. 550 Bernalillo 12pm - 2pm
Click for map of Hwy 550 Clean up area
Please note: Park and gather on the NE side of the river along the ditch. The SE lot is apparently flooded.
Note: It’s recommended you bring gloves, multitool, if you have one, and shovel for rehabbing fire burn scars.